Social Security Disability: Five Questions To Take Into Consideration
Posted on:
21 January 2021
It doesn't matter whether you have been diagnosed with a medical condition or you have suffered a debilitating personal injury that keeps you from being able to perform work — you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. However, when it comes to applying for and receiving these benefits, there are very strict criteria that must be met in order for you to qualify. In addition, the process to determine your ultimate eligibility can be time-consuming and overwhelming.
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Why You Need A Child Sexual Abuse Lawyer If You Suspect Your Child Was Molested
Posted on:
16 December 2020
Unfortunately, child sexual abuse is something many children will encounter before they become legal adults. Child sexual abuse is illegal in all 50 states and carries serious consequences to the offenders of this heinous crime. If you suspect your child has been the victim of molestation or other sexual abuse, you need to contact a child sexual abuse lawyer to assist you during this sensitive time. Here are some reasons why.
Your child's voice deserves to be heard
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Divorce Options During A Pandemic: What You Need To Know
Posted on:
17 November 2020
With the world battling a pandemic, many court proceedings are either delayed, canceled, or handled virtually when possible. Divorce is handled differently based on different states and regions and based on the impact of the virus in the area. If you live in an area that is shut down due to the pandemic and you need to get a divorce, there are some options you may want to explore, including the following:
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5 Questions An Interviewer Isn't Allowed To Ask — And Why
Posted on:
20 October 2020
Employment discrimination can be hard to spot, but it can devastate your career and income earning potential. It even begins as early as the interview process. Learning to recognize questions that can result in discrimination is vital to protect yourself from unwarranted — and often illegal — rejection. Here are a few questions that may seem innocent but can cause such discrimination.
"How Old Are You?"
Did you know this question is actually illegal?
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