How Can A Real Estate Attorney Help In A Zoning Dispute With City Authorities?
Posted on:
28 December 2022
If you're a property owner, there's a chance you may find yourself in a dispute with city authorities over zoning at some point. When that happens, it's important to know that you have options, and one of those is to hire a real estate lawyer. A good real estate attorney will be intimately familiar with the zoning laws in your area and can provide invaluable assistance in resolving the dispute. Here is how a real estate attorney can help:
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Who Can You Sue When You Notice Undisclosed Property Defects? Find Out
Posted on:
2 December 2022
Some people buy homes on the grounds that they won't have to spend additional fees on the property. Unfortunately, some issues become apparent after moving in, forcing them to dig deep into their pockets. For instance, they might notice structural problems that require renovations to make the house habitable.
Some of these defects are natural, in which case you should pay for the repairs from your pocket. However, other parties should be obligated to take care of your losses if the defects existed before you purchased the property.
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How Can An Attorney Help Save Your Home From Foreclosure?
Posted on:
7 November 2022
If you are worried you are going to lose your home to foreclosure, you need an attorney to help you deal with the process. An attorney can offer you an abundance of assistance to help you navigate the steps you will need to go through and maybe even help you save your home. Here is what you need to know:
What Is the Timeline of a Foreclosure?
The foreclosure process starts when your mortgage company files a lawsuit against you.
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Ex Parte Rules — Keys To Trial Transparency And Fairness
Posted on:
7 October 2022
The United States criminal justice system is designed to try to obtain a fair trial for anyone accused of a crime. One key component of doing this is trying to ensure that both parties to a trial have the same basic information and the same opportunities to argue their case fairly.
That fairness relies on an important legal concept known as ex parte. What are ex parte communications and motions? And what should you know to protect yourself from ex parte improprieties?
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